About Our Church
Live Oak Church is a place where people from all walks of life attend to find a spiritual connection to God through Christ, and to live out the faith that changed them by helping others find Christ. As a potential first-time guest here are some additional resources that we hope will help you and your family can get connected with church and make your experience enjoyable.
First Time Guest
As a potential first-time guest, we are excited that you are considering joining us for an upcoming Sunday service. Here are some additional resources we hope will help you and your family connect and make your experience enjoyable.
Contact Us
treasure project
The Live Oak Treasure Project is a resource for Live Oak Church members and regular attenders to find MORE ways to be generous, financially and otherwise – by meeting the needs of those in our church family. If you are a Live Oak attender and live on Johns Island.
Next Steps
Life Groups
Life groups are 10-20 people that gather weekly to study God’s word. To go deeper we encourage everyone to Huddle.
Huddle groups are 2-4 people of the same gender who dive into God’s word and keep each other accountable..
We have groups all over Johns Island. To find Groups and sign up go to the Live Oak Central Hub below.
Discover Live Oak
Discover Live oak is a 2-week Seminar to Discover the DNA of Live Oak Church.This is the portal if you would like to become a covenant member of Live Oak Church. Register Below.
Find Your Mission
To reach the people of Johns Island, did you know that it takes over 20 volunteers each weekend to make services happen here at Live Oak Church? Spreading the message and love of Jesus Christ wouldn’t be possible without his followers using their spiritual gifts and talents to serve others. Some might look at the size of this church and say, “They can’t use me… they have all the help they need”, but that’s simply not true.
We’re continually growing and continuously in need of extra help. If you’re ready to contribute to a cause that truly matters, find a ministry that fits your personality, talents, and spiritual gifts and get involved. Unsure what your spiritual gift is?
Latest Message
Did you miss a sermon or would you like to hear a message again? No problem you can view past sermons online anytime.
We believe that the blood of Jesus Christ, shed on the cross, provides the sole basis for the forgiveness of sin. Therefore, God freely offers salvation to those who place their faith in the death and resurrection of Christ as sufficient payment for their sin.
Baptism is an outward profession of your faith, a sign that you have Jesus in your heart. It is also an act of obedience, one that God commands us to do. Matthew 19:28.
Living in a coastal town has it's advantages. We baptize at Beachwalker Park, the beach outside of Johns Island at Kiawah.
If you have any additional questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us.