Part of the mission statement of Live Oak Church is LIVING BOLDLY. That is what it will take to reach Johns Island, South Carolina, the US, and the world with the Gospel of Jesus!
At Live Oak Church we ENGAGE JZI each year with the YARD GIVE, a day where donations are given away to those in need. Hundreds are blessed by this event each year. We also ENGAGE JZI each year by partnering with other churches and FEEDING THE MULTITUDE! We make sure that no one on Johns Island feels pressure simply by providing a Thanksgiving meal for their family. Thousands receive a thanksgiving feast each year!
We ENGAGE THE NATION through supporting church plants and evangelistic opportunities…
We ENGAGE THE NATIONS by contributing money each year to the Lottie Moon Christmas Missionary offering.
We highlight missionaries once a month so that you may...PRAY for their mission and if led GIVE to their mission.
We enjoined having Corey, Takwa, and Levi with us. They have an incredible mission and we send our prayers for the fruit of this family's labor. If you can give to their mission use the QR code above.